Which European countries are using electric vehicles the most?

Self Drivings Team
3 Min Read

A recent study has identified the European countries leading in electric vehicle adoption, with Norway emerging as the top contender.

Conducted by the electronic registration portal Vignettecroatia.com, the research analyzed the most recent 2022 data from Eurostat to determine the countries with the highest percentage of electric vehicles.

According to the findings, Norway stands out as a pioneer in electric vehicle usage in Europe, with an impressive 20.12% of all vehicles in the country being electric. As of the latest data in 2022, Norway has 3,018,728 registered vehicles, out of which 607,516 are electric-powered.

Following closely behind is Denmark, with 4.02% of all vehicles being electric in the country. Among the total 2,801,076 registered vehicles, 112,674 are electric.

Sweden secures the third spot on the list, with 197,709 electric vehicles accounting for 3.97% of its total 4,979,761 registered vehicles.

The Netherlands takes the fourth position with 3.7% of all vehicles in the country being electric. Out of the 8,917,707 registered vehicles, 330,113 are electric.

Rounding up the top five is Luxembourg, where 13,909 electric vehicles amount to 3.13% of the 444,818 registered vehicles in the nation.

The European countries with the highest percentage of electric vehicles

Rank Country Total registered vehicles 2022 Total registered electric vehicles 2022 Percentage of electric vehicles
1 Norway 3,018,728 607,516 20.12%
2 Denmark 2,801,076 112,674 4.02%
3 Sweden 4,979,761 197,709 3.97%
4 Netherlands 8,917,107 330,113 3.70%
5 Luxembourg 444,818 13,909 3.13%
6 Liechtenstein 30,659 950 3.10%
7 Switzerland 4,812,896 110,788 2.30%
8 Austria 5,150,890 110,225 2.14%
9 Germany 48,763,036 1,013,009 2.08%
10 United Kingdom 32,169,932 620,632 1.93%

On this matter, Luka Stojčević, a spokesperson for Vignettecroatia.com, commented: “While electric cars are becoming more accessible and prevalent, they still pose a significant financial investment for many in Europe. Even in high-income countries, as evident from this ranking, electric vehicles remain a niche compared to conventional fuel alternatives. Nevertheless, as technology advances and production costs decrease, we can expect shifts in this ranking as more nations embrace the electric vehicle market.”

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