What Are The Most Common Reasons For Failing Your Driving Test?

Self Drivings Team
4 Min Read


Going into a driving test, no one wants to fail. However, anxiety or simple mistakes can hinder your chances of getting that coveted pink driving licence card. That’s where we come in, to teach you the most common reasons for failing the driving test. We hope this guide can help you avoid these pitfalls and improve your skills before the big day. Let’s get started!


What does the driving test look like?

The driving test is the final step to obtaining your driver’s license. It involves a brief eyesight test, safety questions, and a 40-minute driving session with an examiner. During the test, the examiner will evaluate your driving skills, test your ability to perform various manoeuvres, and ask you to independently drive in certain sections. After the test, you will receive the results and feedback from the examiner.


What are the different types of faults?

There are three types of faults you can receive in your driving test: driving faults, serious faults, and dangerous faults. Driving faults are minor mistakes that do not pose any potential danger to other road users and are usually allowed up to 15. Serious faults occur when you make an error that could potentially be dangerous. Dangerous faults happen when there’s a clear endangerment to yourself, the public, property, or the examiner.


How many faults are you allowed on your driving test before you fail?

Avoid serious or dangerous faults, as they will result in an immediate fail in your driving test. While you are allowed up to 15 driving faults (minors), repeating the same fault too many times may lead to a major fault.


What are the most common reasons for failing the driving test?

Now, let’s look at the most common reasons for failing the driving test as provided by the DVSA:


  1. Not making effective observations at junctions

Effective observations at junctions are crucial to avoid accidents and potential dangers. Not making proper observations at junctions is a common reason for failing the driving test.


  1. Not using mirrors correctly when changing direction

Proper use of mirrors when changing direction is essential for the safety of yourself and other road users. Failure to use mirrors correctly is a common mistake leading to test failures.


  1. Inadequate control of the steering wheel

Control of the steering wheel is vital for smooth and safe driving. Inadequate control of the steering wheel can result in failing the driving test.


  1. Incorrect positioning when turning right at junctions

Incorrect positioning when turning right at junctions can lead to confusion and potential hazards for other road users, making it a common reason for failing the driving test.


  1. Not moving off safely

Moving off safely requires appropriate observations and actions. Failing to move off safely is a common mistake resulting in failed driving tests.


Whether you’re preparing for a driving test or have already taken one, use these common mistakes to address any problems and improve your driving skills. Prioritize safety, and always stay prepared!


Click here to view a driving test report example


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