The Tesla Cybertruck showcasing its power in snowy conditions is something that we haven’t seen much of, but here it is – the Tesla Cybertruck owning the snowy terrain, effortlessly making donuts and launching into action.
According to TheStradman’s video, initially, the Cybertruck had difficulty making donuts despite having the traction control off (see at 7:39). Apart from the all-wheel drive and all-terrain tires, the rear-wheel steering was not much of a help in snowy conditions (although it’s ideal for parking and maneuvering in tight spaces).
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Tesla Cybertrucks
The Tesla Cybertruck deliveries started in November and as more and more vehicles are delivered to customers, we also see more reviews, tests and some fun videos. In the near future, we might see some decent comparisons with other all-electric pickups, related to range, charging, off-road, and towing or hauling.
After some experimentation, the team managed to shift all the power of the all-wheel drive powertrain to the rear, allowing the Cybertruck to perform better on snowy terrain. This was evident during launch tests in Beast mode, where the Cybertruck easily outpaced a Ram TRX pickup (see at 11:28).