Feeling flat? It could be your battery

Self Drivings Team
3 Min Read

One of the things we often do throughout the year is find ways to boost our energy levels, whether it’s with a cozy night in or an extra class at the gym. Similarly, our cars can also feel the impact of freezing temperatures and a lack of activity. Extreme weather and short journeys can affect car battery power, as it doesn’t get the chance to charge properly. Other factors like using the car heater and wipers for extended periods can also drain the battery.

If your car feels flat, here are some signs to look out for:

  • Finding it hard to get going: If your car struggles to start the engine, it could be a sign of a low battery.
  • A bit slow to respond: If windows, lights, and audio system are not performing as usual, the battery might be the cause.
  • Losing some sparkle: Dim headlights could indicate a low battery.
  • You can see the warning signs: If a battery icon lights up on your dashboard, it might be an issue with the battery, alternator, or electrical system.
  • It could be an age thing: Car batteries typically last between 3 to 5 years and may need to be replaced after this period.
  • System overload: Connecting too many devices to your car can impact the battery, especially during the cold winter months.

If you suspect your car battery is running low, it’s important to get it checked by your chosen garage or service center to ensure everything is running to full capacity. Additionally, it’s good to keep track of driving data to maintain car health.

Remember to always be well-rested before driving, as tiredness can influence your driving. Keep an eye on things like speed, smooth driving, taking breaks, time of day, and motorway miles to improve your driving habits and keep your car running smoothly.

For even more information, you can log in to Your Portal.

Stay safe and maintain your car’s health for a smoother and more energy-efficient ride!

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